Interventional Spine Care at Springfield Clinic offers comprehensive evaluation and non-surgical treatment options for back and neck pain from double board-certified, fellowship-trained anesthesiologists. Our objective is to facilitate functional improvement in patients suffering from chronic spine pain by focusing on physical rehabilitation and offering a variety of cutting edge, minimally invasive spine procedures done under image guidance by highly-trained spine specialists.

Interventional Spine Care

Interventional Spine Care
About Us
Our Services
Conditions Treated
Facet joint arthritis
Failed back surgery syndrome
Herniated discs
Pinched spinal nerves/sciatica
Spinal stenosis
Tailbone pain
Whiplash/cervicogenic headache
Radiofrequency ablation is a short outpatient procedure used to treat pain coming from the small joints of the back or neck called the facet joints. These joints can cause pain if they develop arthritis. Radiofrequency ablation of the facet joints can only be performed after having two separate successful injection procedures called medial branch blocks in order to prove that the facet joints are causing pain. Once this has happened, a radiofrequency ablation procedure can then be performed to cauterize the small medial branch nerves that send pain signals from the facet joints, thereby providing long lasting pain relief.
The process for having a lumbar radiofrequency ablation (each procedure must provide good pain relief before being able to move on to the next procedure) can be seen below:
MBB procedure #1 → MBB procedure #2 → Radiofrequency Ablation
An epidural steroid injection is a short outpatient procedure that helps to improve radiating back or neck pain coming from the nerves of the spine. The procedure involves injecting a small amount of a steroid solution into an area of the spine called the epidural space. The nerves of the back or neck pass through this space and become bathed in this steroid solution after the injection. This leads to decreased inflammation near these nerves and helps to decrease the amount of pain signal that the nerves send, thereby decreasing pain down the leg or arm. It may be recommended to have a series of these injections in order to achieve the best possible pain relief.
A sacroiliac joint steroid injection is a short outpatient procedure that helps to improve chronic low back and buttock pain coming from the sacroiliac joints. These joints can cause pain if they develop arthritis. The procedure involves injecting a small amount of a steroid solution under x-ray guidance into either one or both of the joints that are located near the buttock on each side of the lower back. This medication leads to decreased inflammation within and around the joint and helps to decrease the amount of pain signal coming from the area.
A spinal cord stimulator trial is a short outpatient procedure that is used to determine if placement of a permanent spinal cord stimulator could be helpful in managing back, leg or arm pain coming from specific conditions including failed back surgeries and complex regional pain syndrome. Spinal cord stimulator trials are only performed after all other treatment options have been tried without success. The procedure involves using x-ray guidance to temporarily place electrodes (small wires) into an area of the mid back or neck called the epidural space. After being placed in the proper position, the electrodes are connected to a battery that is taped to the outside of the low back. The electrodes send electrical signals to the spinal cord and this can work to prevent pain signals from being sent to your brain. The electrodes are left in place for a 5-7 day trial to find out if they are helping to significantly decrease pain. The electrodes are then gently removed in clinic by the doctor after this trial period. If the spinal cord stimulator is helpful in decreasing the pain during the trial period, then it may be recommended to have a qualified surgeon permanently place a spinal cord stimulator to give potentially long-lasting pain relief.